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Why should I consider solar panels for my business?

Why should I consider solar panels for my business?

Despite the recent cuts to thefeed in tariffs solar panels are still a viable option that should be a serious consideration for businesses all over the UK for one or more of the following reasons;

Save money

Solar panels help your business save money by generating free, green electricity to be used onsite, lowering your energy demand from the grid during daylight hours and saving you thousands of pounds every year on energy bills. Now you can save even more money by installing battery back up systems.

Save the environment

Generating your own electricity from solar reduces your carbon output and could offset most, if not all, of your business’ carbon emissions. With climate change a major topic of concern at the moment, green initiatives are a popular strategy for a business to achieve competitive advantage in their industry and strengthen relationships with their supplychain and customers.

Energy security

It’s an alarming reality that the grid is currently struggling to generate significant electricity supply to meet the growing demands of the UK. The cost of your business going off-grid needs to be considered against a solar panel installation thwould keep you in supply should the unthinkable happen.

Filed under: General News, New Products, Items in use Posted at 16:42

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